Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I disagree

I don't think the companies need to be bailed out our car companies can find away to pull there selfs out of the shit hole they put themselfs in. We also need to force laws saying that companies can outsource for chearper labor. We can't go to another country to have something made for a less price but still charge it for more back in the states. We are hurting our economy by doing so and putting people out of jobs. Obama hasn't said how much money it is going to take because he has no plans yet on how to fix it and for once he is being smart enough and keeping his mouth shut. We can't expect Obama and the people he has selected to be the answer to our problems this will take longer than how much time he will spend in the office to fix this since it was screwed up with Clinton was in the house.

Find this article http://kaosonpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/11/lets-get-back-on-track.html

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