Thursday, October 2, 2008

Falling Oil Price Is a Positive Note Amid Turmoil

It is nice that we can finally have lower gas prices, due to high gas prices we have seen a lot of prices for other consumption prices have gone up making it even more difficult for the lower class workers to be able to provide enough for there family. Even if the oil is at $91 a barrel now it is still way to high, at least we see little drop in gas at the gas station from our major gas companies. It's not that Saudi Arabia has us right where they want us with the price for oil per barrel that we have to worry about, we (Americans) also need to worry about our major gas companies screwing us over because they have seen the fact we are still buying at from them with these absurd prices. If we have reduced our driving since 1983 why aren't the gas prices dropping why at they staying the same. Why if the price of the barrel stays between $75- $100 why would the gas price stay around $3.50 a gallon since a couple of months ago it was around that price per barrel and the gallon of gas was about 25-50 cents cheaper.

If other countries are having the same problems we hare having with the price of oil and there gas prices rising why don't we try to make a global correction to the problem another country. Or possibly even converse with other countries and maybe come up with a plan to stop rise in prices and lets us watch them come back down. Far as I care who ever becomes our next president hopefully they will have enough common sense to think of a plan for our gas prices to drop some more than what they already have I know there are bigger problems with the BAILOUT, sorry but as a person who needs their truck for working and hauling things. It makes work hard when you can't afford to pay gas, because the price is to high.

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