Monday, October 13, 2008

FOX/Rasmussen: Polls from five key states Bush won "shows a very stable race whose underlying dynamic strongly favors Barack Obama over John McCain"

This blog is obviously to piss of the conservatives (which it has done to me) and finish your liberal orgasm. What makes you think the economy will be so stupid. Don't get me wrong do I think Obama is a bad candidate for president? Yes, but do I think McCain is better; yes i do but i am pretty sure we can find a better choice in America.

Why does the election of 2004 have anything to deal with this election? Who cares what deciding states President Bus? This is a NEW election and NEW candidates are running.

How can comment on polling and talk about how he strongly like these polling websites when all the ones he looks at are in favor for Obama. Of course he is going to look at these websites they support the candidate he wants to see ruin our country. So if you were looking at his blog and wondering if your vote were to count this would make you want to believe it wouldn't because the election is mostly already decided and you wouldn't need to vote because it wouldn't make a difference.

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