Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I disagree

I don't think the companies need to be bailed out our car companies can find away to pull there selfs out of the shit hole they put themselfs in. We also need to force laws saying that companies can outsource for chearper labor. We can't go to another country to have something made for a less price but still charge it for more back in the states. We are hurting our economy by doing so and putting people out of jobs. Obama hasn't said how much money it is going to take because he has no plans yet on how to fix it and for once he is being smart enough and keeping his mouth shut. We can't expect Obama and the people he has selected to be the answer to our problems this will take longer than how much time he will spend in the office to fix this since it was screwed up with Clinton was in the house.

Find this article http://kaosonpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/11/lets-get-back-on-track.html

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama picks graybeards as wartime Cabinet

So Obama's quote for is campaign "Change is good". Well Obama why did you go and pick a group of old men for your war and peace cabinet? Is it cause you know that you don't have the brains to deal with war? Or are you smart enough to know that sometime a little bit of wisom can go a long way? I will give Obama this he did go and pick just about the best people he could have found for the job, but they are old and completely contridicting what he was pushing towards people while he was running to become president of the United States.

Why is Obama so sneeky about his every move? His promise to keep a Republican is office was nice, but you don't give him a set day you could kick him out of the house a couple of days after you have been their at least that is what the Democratic party is expecting him to do so. Obama says one thing but does another so if we want a sure answer from him we might as well have him start writing it down on paper and signing his name to it but then who knows if he will even still do what he said he would.

If Obama was calling Senator McCain old and not knowing what to do when it came to war. Than why is wanting to make a guy who is almost the same age as McCain head of our National Security? I don't know what i can really say about that but the guy is old and doesn't know anything about war anymore. The more and more I read about Obama's descisions I am worried on how our country is going to end up after the next four years.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My opnion over the U.S. National Government.

Here is my opinion over the U.S. National Government, for all those who care. Our U.S Government is screwing us in the hind quarters with just about everything. For those who are Democrats you are actually voting to have some guy come to your house and take away our guns. That means no more hunting season, over populated wild animals, and wild animals running into our car while your driving down the road. The Government wants to change our rights if it is controlled by the democratic party. The last time I checked "guns don't kill people, people kill people" so maybe we should look harder at back rounds before we give someone a gun.
Now time for the Republican party. Why the hell did our Government choose to pay off wealthy people that were in bankrupcy? I understand the part that with there companies in the crapper so would the econmy. But after we paid one company once and then they went and blew the money on a retreat for their employees. Why didn't we throw themin jail for basically steal from the U.S. Government? Why would we give out more money to other companies unless we gave them a strict document saying this is how you will use every single penny of the money. Why doesn't our government take some stand on the fact that our canidates that our running for the President of the United States are spending way to much freaking money. Obama spent over 100 million dollars in September alone. I'm sorry but some of that money could have gone to good use and not just on freaking tv ads, or 30mintues of air time to talk shit to you opponent. Lets draw the line somewhere.

Monday, October 13, 2008

FOX/Rasmussen: Polls from five key states Bush won "shows a very stable race whose underlying dynamic strongly favors Barack Obama over John McCain"

This blog is obviously to piss of the conservatives (which it has done to me) and finish your liberal orgasm. What makes you think the economy will be so stupid. Don't get me wrong do I think Obama is a bad candidate for president? Yes, but do I think McCain is better; yes i do but i am pretty sure we can find a better choice in America.

Why does the election of 2004 have anything to deal with this election? Who cares what deciding states President Bus? This is a NEW election and NEW candidates are running.

How can comment on polling and talk about how he strongly like these polling websites when all the ones he looks at are in favor for Obama. Of course he is going to look at these websites they support the candidate he wants to see ruin our country. So if you were looking at his blog and wondering if your vote were to count this would make you want to believe it wouldn't because the election is mostly already decided and you wouldn't need to vote because it wouldn't make a difference.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Falling Oil Price Is a Positive Note Amid Turmoil

It is nice that we can finally have lower gas prices, due to high gas prices we have seen a lot of prices for other consumption prices have gone up making it even more difficult for the lower class workers to be able to provide enough for there family. Even if the oil is at $91 a barrel now it is still way to high, at least we see little drop in gas at the gas station from our major gas companies. It's not that Saudi Arabia has us right where they want us with the price for oil per barrel that we have to worry about, we (Americans) also need to worry about our major gas companies screwing us over because they have seen the fact we are still buying at from them with these absurd prices. If we have reduced our driving since 1983 why aren't the gas prices dropping why at they staying the same. Why if the price of the barrel stays between $75- $100 why would the gas price stay around $3.50 a gallon since a couple of months ago it was around that price per barrel and the gallon of gas was about 25-50 cents cheaper.

If other countries are having the same problems we hare having with the price of oil and there gas prices rising why don't we try to make a global correction to the problem another country. Or possibly even converse with other countries and maybe come up with a plan to stop rise in prices and lets us watch them come back down. Far as I care who ever becomes our next president hopefully they will have enough common sense to think of a plan for our gas prices to drop some more than what they already have I know there are bigger problems with the BAILOUT, sorry but as a person who needs their truck for working and hauling things. It makes work hard when you can't afford to pay gas, because the price is to high.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Schwarzenegger to Veto Budget and Other Bills

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California said he will veto the the $104 million general fund state-budget, until an appropriate budget was passed. Gov. Schwarnenegger believe it will be overturned by the Legislature, since more than likely they will do so Gov. Schwarnenegger will send back majority of the laws that the Legislature has passed till they have a comprimise. The democrats are blaming the republicans for the the large gap and about $9 million would go to buisness closers, or being temporarily closed, and some tax exemptions. As of right now no one is pleased at the very least with the state budget request. For how long this process took the people of California and the Govenor feel that theit shoould have been a better budget request than this.

You can read the entire article here